Founder's Message
How is Industry 4.0 which is on the hot topic exactly defined? Not having been far from us, it should be assumed as the adaptation that we are approaching and doing in our everyday activities. Obviously, it can be seen IIoT (Industry Internet of Things) in Industry 4.0 as well as Sensors have also been utilized in the Agriculture and Production sectors. On top of that, we can endorse Digital Currency in Banking and Finance sector and now Mobile Banking has been developing widespreadly in our country. In the near future, the role of ATMs might have been faded away because of the extended area of Debit and Credit cards and Mobile Money & Digital Wallet on mobile phones. This would definitely be referred as the evolution from Traditional Economy to Digital Economy. Actually, the Revolutions are not very new to the world we live in. Instead, they came up repeatedly in the history. Now this time is the turn for Industry 4.0. Whenever the society faces with such Revolutions, the behaviours and procedures of everyday life have been changed in people.
News & Events
Recent News

Student Facillities
Supporting WiFi Internet Free Access in the campus joining with high-speed fiber internet cables
Providing library in every campus including up to date E-library
Preparing an email account with personal name at school Domain in order to communicate with teachers and do assignment
Providing laboratory stocked with Cisco Devices, Dell servers and other necessary equipment
Having clean and hygienic cafeteria in campus
Contributing free access to academic resources including course books and materials
Why Choose Us?
- The reputation of founder, Dr. Zaw Lin, as an IT technician and lecturer for over 23 years by himself who have already earned Ph.D Degree in Administration and Management and could deal with the Quality Assurance of a Higher Education Institute
- Established since 1997
- Founded around 20 Franchise Centers across Myanmar
- The popularity of up to over 40 Technology related books
- The opportunities to choose specializations such as IT and Business Management as the most popular options amongst students and the chance to earn Master Degree in Business Management

- တည်ထောင်သူ ဆရာ ဒေါက်တာဇော်လင်းသည် သင်ကြားရေးလုပ်သက် ၂၃ နှစ်အထက် ရှိပြီး ၎င်း ကိုယ်တိုင် IT ပညာရှင် တစ်ဦးဖြစ်သည့်အပြင် Business Administration နှင့်ပတ်သက်၍ PhD ဘွဲ့အထိ ရယူထားသူ ဖြစ်သောကြောင့် တက္ကသိုလ်တစ်ခု၏ လိုအပ်သော အရည်အသွေးများကို ကိုယ်တိုင်ကိုယ်ကျ သိခြင်းဖြင့် တက္ကသိုလ်ကို အရည် အသွေးပြည့်ဝစွာဖြင့် စနစ်တကျ စီမံခန့်ခွဲထားခြင်း
- ၁၉၉၇ ခုနှစ်ကတည်းက တည်ထောင်ခဲ့ခြင်း
- မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတဝှမ်းတွင် Franchise Center များ ၂၀ ခုထိ ထူထောင်ခဲ့ခြင်း
- နည်းပညာများ စာအုပ်များကို ၄၁ ထိ ရေးသားထုတ်ဝေခဲ့ခြင်း
- ယနေ့ခေတ်တွင် အဓိကလိုအပ်သော IT ပညာရော၊ Business Management စီးပွားရေးလုပ်ငန်းများ စီမံ ခန့်ခွဲမှုဆိုင်ရာပညာရပ်များကို ရွေးချယ်သင်ယူနိုင်ခြင်း၊ Business Management ကို Master အထိ သင်ယူနိုင်ခြင်း

- The enough space and facilities provided on campus
- The cutting edge quality of lessons, teaching materials and Lecturers from the University
- The opportunities to earn Degrees and Diplomas offered by International Universities
- Organizing seminars and excursion trips in order to help provide the students with vocational experience and knowledge
- Creating job opportunities for the students who can be recognized as well-qualified and proficient enough in the particular field of study