About Us
University Council

Managing Director

Managing Director
Date of Birth: July 1976
Designation: Founder and CEO
Organization: YOUTH International University
Number of Years in Teaching: 23
Phone: +959765003596
Email: ceo@youthcomputermm.com
• Ph.D. (Business Administration), Assumption University (Bangkok)
• Master of Business Administration, Yangon University of Economics
• B.Sc. (Physics), Yangon University of Distance Education
• Certified Cisco System Instructor (#34928)
Areas of specialty:
• IT and Computing
• Business Management and Entrepreneurship
• Music Programming and Audio Engineering
• Technical Writer
• Extended UTAUT2 Model on Factors Influenceing of Mobile Commerce Acceptance in Yangon, Myanmar. Vol 12, No 2 (2019): AU-GSB e-Journal (December 2019)
• Written and Published 41 Titles of Books
• His recent book name is “The age of Digital Economy and IoT”, published in 2017.
• Treasurer at Myanmar Computer Industry Association
• His Technical blog name is www.zawlinyouth.blogspot.com
• His Facebook Page is ZAW LIN – YOUTH.


Religion: Buddhist
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Yangon
Nationality: Myanmar
Address: No.5/3D, Ma Soe Yein Kyaung Street, 9 Mile, Mayangone, Yangon, Myanmar.
Contact: ( +959)5200123 (mobile) / (+951) 650489 (Home) / director@youthcomputermm.com
Director - YOUTH international College (2019 – until now)
Founder - Charis School of Creation (2017 – until now)
Managing Director - Charis Myanmar Co., Ltd (2016- until now)
HR Director - Amber Star Trading Co., Ltd (2012 – 2016)
- Ph.D. (Business Administration) Assumption University ( 2016 - 2019 )
- MBA (Yangon Institute of Economics)( 2006 - 2008)
- B. Pharm (University of Pharmacy, Yangon) ( 2000 - 2004)
Importance of networking behaviours and network resources to achieve sustainable competitive advantage of SMEs in Myanmar (Yangon) AU-GSB e-Journal (June 2019), Vol 12, No 1 (2019)
Honour and Awards
Myanmar Young Entrepreneurship Award (2019)
Workshops/ Seminars/ Summits
- Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta (2017)
- Asia Organization Development Network Summit (2016) (Shanghai University of International Business and Economics)
- 21st Century schools and Education Seminar ( Bangkok, Thailand) (2015)
- 11th Global of Women Entrepreneurs Conference ( Beijing , China) (2004)
Community Service
- Member of Myanmar Young Entrepreneur Association (2016 )
- Member of Myanmar Women’ Affairs Federation (2013)
- Member of Myanmar Women Entrepreneur Association (2004)

Head of Research Department

Head of Research Department

Dean of Computing

Dean of Computing

Head of Quality Assurance

Head of Quality Assurance
History of YIU
YOUTH International University is the particular source of YOUTH Computer Centre. YOUTH Computer Centre has been founded since 4th March 1997. The basic Computing courses were initially opened and later advanced computing courses are getting expanded.
In 2001, YOUTH Computer Centre started offering franchise and the first franchised centre was initially opened at Lashio.Then, up to twenty franchised centres are getting expanded all around the country of Myanmar. In 2002, Music Programming and Audio Engineering Classes were the first one in Myanmar opened at YOUTH Computer Centre.In the same year, U Zaw Lin, the founder of YOUTH Computer Centre, started wroting and distributing the books of Information and Technology and up to 41 books have been written and distributed until now. In 2014, YOUTH Computer Centre became the first Learning Partner of Cisco System Inc (USA) and also became Authorised Testing Centre of Pearson VUE.
In 2015, YOUTH Computer Centre became approved centre of BTEC ( Business and Technology Education Council) by Pearson Edexcel (UK), the largest educational organization. Then , YOUTH Computer Centre were transformed into YOUTH International College (YIC) that started opening with HND Diploma in Computing Courses. Then, Level 3 National Diploma in IT, Level 3 National Diploma in Business and HND Diploma in Business Courses were extended and opened. In December 2017, the First Diploma Convocation Ceremony of YOUTH International College were held at Novotel Hotel.
Then, the second one in December 2018, and the third in December 2019 were celebrated. In February 2019, YIU became business partners with James Cook University (JCU Singapore) and also with Management Development Institute of Singapore and then gave educational services to Myanmar youths who want to study at those universities . In August 2019, YIU became Accredited Centre of National Computing Centre in England and applied program with NCC ( UK) for B.Sc (Hons) Business Computing & Information Systems offered by University of Central Lancashire.
In March 2022, YIU became partnership with Magna Carta College (UK) in England and applied program with Magna Carta College (UK) FOR B.A (Hons) Business Management of BuckinghamShire New University (UK) in England. Master of Business Administration (MBA)from Buckinghamshire New University (UK) can also joined at YIU.
Books of Founder
Our Franchise
At the moment, YOUTH Training Center is operating with 20 franchise centers across Myanmar under the name of YOUTH Computing Center across the country.
The franchise center does not deliver UK Diploma courses and only offers certificate courses such as –
- Microsoft Office Course
- Desktop Publishing Course
- Graphic Designer Course
- CompTIA A+ Course
- Computer Network Engineering Course

Room(11), BEHS Apartments, Zay Street, Rule Group Ward, Sagaing.
No (75/B),First Floor, Main Road,Maw Leik Ward, Sittwe.
No (15/A) , Thidar Steeet , Pathein.
No (C/D) ,Marine Office Rooms,Lanmadaw Ward,Hinthada.
No (427),Pon Koon Steert, Pon Koon Ward, Dawei.
Toe Pwar Yay Street, Kan Paing Ward,Taunggoke.
No (1) Ward, Aung Za Wai Street , Maungdaw.
No (22) , Shwedaung Ward, Mawlamyine.
No (302) , Maharmyaing Street , Prison Department , Thandwe.
Infront of Pyay Computer University
No (9) Ward , Yadanar Depa , Yadanar Street , Hpa-an Township.
Photo Gallery



Lin Hlaing Oo
CCNA Student
Founder's Message

How is Industry 4.0 which is on the hot topic exactly defined? Not having been far from us, it should be assumed as the adaptation that we are approaching and doing in our everyday activities. Obviously, it can be seen IIoT (Industry Internet of Things) in Industry 4.0 as well as Sensors have also been utilized in the Agriculture and Production sectors. On top of that, we can endorse Digital Currency in Banking and Finance sector and now Mobile Banking has been developing widespreadly in our country. In the near future, the role of ATMs might have been faded away because of the extended area of Debit and Credit cards and Mobile Money & Digital Wallet on mobile phones. This would definitely be referred as the evolution from Traditional Economy to Digital Economy. Actually, the Revolutions are not very new to the world we live in. Instead, they came up repeatedly in the history. Now this time is the turn for Industry 4.0. Whenever the society faces with such Revolutions, the behaviours and procedures of everyday life have been changed in people.
As the result, in order to align with the practical hands-on experience in the workplace, the Education sector is responsible to adapt and modify the knowledge and experience delivered in the lecture room. Otherwise, the potential for job opportunities can be very challenging because of the unbalanced supply and demand in the industry. So, it is questionable that a graduate cannot get a proper job because whether the student is not concentration on the studies or the contribution from the University is not relevant to the actual workplace. In other words, the graduate students are necessarily demanding the knowledge and experience to fit in Industry 4.0 and Diginal Economy. Needless to mention, our Education sector has also been developed to the system of Education 4.0. Instead of conventional teaching and learning in which the students have to passively listen to and memorize what the teachers are delivering from a textbook right before the class as one-way communication, Education 4.0 is calling for the practical exercises based on the authentic workplace as student-centered atmosphere in the classroom. In layman’s terms, the students need to do more practical activities. As the parrot-learning has been outdated and irrelevant with the current Education, Assignment system has also come to replace with Formal exams regarding Assessment. For the specializations, Information & Communication Technology also known as Computing is highly demanding in our community these days. The reason doubtlessly is that Industry 4.0 in which the students need to work would be based on Technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Smart Technologies, Robotics, Internet of Things and Big Data. Meanwhile, Business Management has also been playing as the main role in this management generation because the former ways of managing things in Business no longer work because of the transition from conventional system to digital one. Honestly saying, I myself had to pursue my studies for PhD Degree in Management regardless of my original specialization in IT and Computing. That is why we are offering two major specializations of this century such as Computing and Business. In our academic setting as well, we are trying to integrate Theory with Practical in the lecture room. For each subject, our faculty members are providing extensive and comprehensive lectures, expecting the short term as well as long term prosperity and sustainability of the students. Next, the updated teaching aids and materials needed in the practical lectures have been provided effectively and efficiently. In order to empower the continuous learning of the students, we are offering the Post-Graduate Programs to the certain extent. For the Research and academic papers, to meet the criteria of a University, Editorial Board including Professors from International academic institutions has been established and publish on YIU-ejournal.edu.mm. Last but not least, I would like to inform that frequent Internship Programmes and Job Fairs are being organized cooperating with YIU’s partner Business enterprises in order to secure the employment opportunities of graduate students from YIU. Dr. Zaw Lin Founder PhD (Business Administration)